If you are ugly, you can't choose too much, you can't play hard to get, you can't go only for handsome guys, you need to be good at sex, easy to get, and of course have a nice personality.
All of us guys know that ugly woman's have usually a nicer personality, but, usually they are not so easy to have sex with, because some of them have inferiority complex, I have meet many not so great looking girls that I would live to Fuck and to maybe even have a serious long term relationship. But some of them simply don't take you serious because inside their head they thing you are too good for them, then they act bitchy, gives the guys a trauma, and loose another opportunity.
So for me ugly girls shouldn't choose so much handsome guys, go for ugly ones that you have 3 times higher chances, don't play hard to get its better if you are a proud less slut than a fake princess, and try to learn new sexual tricks and ask the guy what kind of sex does he likes, if slow sex, or if fast sex, this way that way... That shall help you a lot.
Ive meet many guys who were in love with ugly woman's just because they loved to fuck them, and I had also this kind of experience in a carnival party, I simply meet the girl, bring her to another place start kissing and licking her tits, and then we went to the car and we had a great sex, if it wasn't that good I wouldn't remember it today (like 8 years ago).
If you like this post or even if you hate it, refer it to a friend please, specially if its a woman.
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