Saturday, June 7, 2014

Is it getting better or is it getting worst?

Well, I have heard some news about Belgium creating a law to forbidden man to talk to girls in the street, all because of a single video. From a half fat not so good looking woman being harassed constantly in the streets of Belgium.

All i can say about the video is:

This woman isn't so good looking but yeah she dress in a cheap dress, looks like wanna fuck, the fact that she isn't so good looking make guys think that she is even easier to fuck. This video is obviously heavily edited, all the facts there didn't happen in a single day or a single walk. It took some time for her walking around the whole city to create this feeling that she is indeed constantly approached by stalkers in the street.
The guys who approach her are guys of low social value in that country, old people, black people, immigrants(pardon for the discrimination here). No one abused her directly, well guys were pretty insistent and desperate, but she wasn't raped, and barely touched. She knows how to act very arrogant she knows how to defend herself, shes protected already against several crimes, i guess there is absolutely no need to create a law to forbidden man from approaching her. Its a big cut of on freedom, and even a big cut of upon the kind of woman who wants to be approached, trust me me and other guys have seen that lots of times before.
