Once you meet in a party, in the street, in the school, or anywhere else a HB hot babe, beautiful girl, 7 out of 10 or more. Well u gotta do your best to get her. Dont think it will be easy, be a pessimist, know for sure previously that this is going to be a hard challenge, and many problems will come in the way between saying hi and fucking them in the ass.
Best place to meet hot woman, isnt party(night game), isnt in street(day game) isnt in the internet(virtual game). Its in the places i like to call, forced living environment. schools, universities, English classes(for non English speakers), workplaces, and the list goes on, i guess u got the point, i usually call this a channel field( because you can build easier rapport and connection). Why these places are so good? Well because the woman will be forced to live near you for a longer period of time, you shall have them a deeper contact with them to learn more about their psychological and their needs, you will also have almost infinite chances to do a mistake and undo it, you will have the body language factor for a long period, you will have a woman, who wont treat you so badly because she is in a social environment of her own interest.
Most of the time when i go to parties, or shopping mall i see so many hot girl with shit guys( shit in the meaning that they seem to have a bad game, they aint look good, they aint look that rich, and they aint look that smart and clever. I might be wrong but i guess im not, i could surely say that these guys havent meet these woman in day game, because i see nobody practicing day game out there, i dont believe they meet in a party because i havent seen many guys catch hot girls that they never meet in a party, and trust me i go out a lot, i dont think it was a virtual game because woman generally put very low fate in virtual game. So i can only theorize and remember my old days of school and university to say that it was pretty fucking easy to catch their attention and to seduce them in those environments. Ive been away from those environments for a long long time, because i happen to have a firm and ive been taking care of it for the past 10 or more years.
So lets say the field is one of the most important thing to catch a hot babe, and what else do we need? We need the game, we need the will to survive to their crazy psychological test believe me they exist. Ive tryed to seduce some hundreds of HB ive no anxiety approach about them ive no fear to offend them in case they dump me , and i learned some special secrets about their behavior, of course my studies and experiences arent over, im not yet in the top, and i dont know 100% of what happens in their mind, but i guess i can explain a lot of phenomenon that their complex psychological can create. It took me a long time to admit that woman are indeed complex, because at first i just tough they totally stupid but no, they are smart and complex, they just aint able to achieve a high quality man always , but they do try it very hard.